Monday, November 10, 2008

Time to blog again. Thoughts on Dodgeball.

I need to get back into blogging. I think the reason I stopped blogging is because I always felt writing a blog took too long. I think that's why I really started getting into twitter - I could just post random sentences at any time without having to string paragraphs together.

Over the past year I've been getting really into dodgeball. One of the things I love the most about dodgeball is that it's the one hour a week after work where I can do something random and silly and completely detach my mind from all things serious. It's all about just letting loose, and having fun. And there's no better cure for frustration after a long work day than to hit the crap out of someone with a dodgeball. Seriously, you should try it sometime.

This past season our dodgeball team took a more serious turn. Our team was so awesome that we won two championships in a row. And because of that, pressure began to build to have a three peat this season. We had a stigma to live up to, and many took it very seriously. It has now gotten to the point where dodgeball has become less about letting loose and having fun and all about winning. I mean, come's dodgeball.

I am now debating on whether or not I want to continue playing dodgeball, or join another silly adult co-ed sport like kickball. I love my team and I enjoy dodgeball tons. But if I want to do a serious sport, I'll stick with running...

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