Thursday, April 26, 2007


I have been having some weird ass cravings lately. Yesterday it was calamari, today it's Fruit Loops. What a strange combination.

Today I am going to have Vietnamese food. It will be my first time ever. Wish me luck!


Jonny said...

I have all kinds of weird cravings all the time. The same thing happens with the way I listen to music. I'm a binge listener in terms of the way I go from band to band, genre to genre.

I've listened to nothing but Miles for weeks. Then no more Miles for months. Not a peep.

Coltrane for weeks. Then no more Coltrane for months.

Punk, electronica, Zeppelin... a bit of house... it all goes on and off at some point.

People tell me that I'm a black and white person, that I need more grey.

I turned 40 a few weeks ago.

There's plenty of grey in my future.

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese noodles are sofa king good.