Sunday, December 24, 2006

Not So Teenage Fan Club Part Two

The long awaited part two.

My co-workers and I decide to venture off into the lobby to meet hot comedian in person. We were pretending to get coffee as an excuse to accidentally run into him. As we were walking to get coffee, I got nervous. When I get nervous I don't pay close attention to my surrondings. Case in point: I did not not notice that my cup of coffee was not empty. I started swinging my coffee cup up and down (again, nervous habit) and coffee starts flying everywhere all over the floor!

[insert 2-3 minutes of awkwardness over the coffee spillage here]

We finally get to the coffee room and I pour myself some coffee (mind you, I have a grande latte from Starbucks sitting on my desk un touched). We then decide to talk to Mr. Comedian. He is 100x hotter in person. I'm sorry to discuss his appearance again but I must for the sake of this story. It was awesome. I was so in awe of him I had twinkly eyes and I was totally speechless (a rarity).

After our encounter, I went on the site and wrote the comedian a message. I told him how we are a big fan of his work and it was great to meet him blah blah blah. He writes back saying he loved us, and he apologizes if he was acting strange, but he was super giddy because he couldn't believe he was actually at our building. He's been a fan for so long and to actually enter our building was truly exciting for him. This is funny for many reasons. Here he is super excited to be at myspace and we are excited to experience his hotness in person. The fan club lives on. Hilarious!

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