Monday, November 06, 2006

Road Trips

Other than going to live shows, I never feel more connected to music than while I'm on the road. You learn so much about yourself and others while traveling. I associate each song I hear with people and experiences. Driving on an empty highway in the dark night. Lost in thoughts. Best friends by your side. Listening to whatever the shuffle mix on your ipod will bring next. You're quiet as the lyrics to the music suddenly strike a chord in your own personal life, and you are overwhelmed with emotion.

Right now this song for me is 'Warning Sign' by Coldplay. Every time I hear it, I feel something. I get sappy. I think about things. It's not a sad thing really, but more like being filled with a longing. It's amazing music has the power to make you feel this way.

I am friends with an incredible group of people. We are all doing great things with our lives. I'm so lucky.



Anonymous said...

Souls. Wednesday. Here We Go.

ash xo

Anonymous said...

When are you going to learn how to drive a manual? So you could have done BS yesterday?

Did you happen to listen to Bjork on your road trip?


LT said...

No Bjork for me. I probably would have needed to pull over on the side of the road and puke.

Jonny said...

Yeah, I think you told me that you hated Bjork. Her voice, her clothes, her face... Funny.

But you're right about music and driving. I get all kinds of inspiration when I'm driving and there's a great song playing, especially in the dark or the rain or some other weather that gives the song added atmosphere and context.

Like when it's dark and I'm in the city, I have to listen to detroit techno. I love that smooth, string-heavy, slightly bleepy sound. The skyline and teh architecture sit so well with it.

But haven't you noticed too how the Season's affect your listening too?

This weekend I welcomed back a whole bunch of bands and tunes from their summer wilderness...

Kate Bush's "Aerial"; Autechre's "Incunabula"; John Martyn, Dead Can Dance...

Can anyone say that DCD sound good in the middle of a heat wave?

That's simply a ridculous idea.